reference, declarationdefinition
definition → references, declarations, derived classes, virtual overrides
reference to multiple definitions → definitions


 1450     Opc = AVR::ADDRdRr; // LSL is an alias of ADD Rd, Rd
 1455     Opc = AVR::LSLWRd;
 1459     Opc = AVR::ASRRd;
 1463     Opc = AVR::ASRWRd;
 1467     Opc = AVR::LSRRd;
 1471     Opc = AVR::LSRWRd;
 1475     Opc = AVR::ADCRdRr; // ROL is an alias of ADC Rd, Rd
 1480     Opc = AVR::ROLWRd;
 1484     Opc = AVR::RORRd;
 1488     Opc = AVR::RORWRd;
 1548   auto ShiftMI = BuildMI(LoopBB, dl, TII.get(Opc), ShiftReg2).addReg(ShiftReg);