reference, declarationdefinition
definition → references, declarations, derived classes, virtual overrides
reference to multiple definitions → definitions


 1043   task->td_task_id = KMP_GEN_TASK_ID();
 1044   task->td_team = team;
 1047   task->td_ident = loc_ref;
 1048   task->td_taskwait_ident = NULL;
 1049   task->td_taskwait_counter = 0;
 1050   task->td_taskwait_thread = 0;
 1052   task->td_flags.tiedness = TASK_TIED;
 1053   task->td_flags.tasktype = TASK_IMPLICIT;
 1054   task->td_flags.proxy = TASK_FULL;
 1057   task->td_flags.task_serial = 1;
 1058   task->td_flags.tasking_ser = (__kmp_tasking_mode == tskm_immediate_exec);
 1059   task->td_flags.team_serial = (team->t.t_serialized) ? 1 : 0;
 1061   task->td_flags.started = 1;
 1062   task->td_flags.executing = 1;
 1063   task->td_flags.complete = 0;
 1064   task->td_flags.freed = 0;
 1066   task->td_depnode = NULL;
 1067   task->td_last_tied = task;
 1067   task->td_last_tied = task;
 1068   task->td_allow_completion_event.type = KMP_EVENT_UNINITIALIZED;
 1071     KMP_ATOMIC_ST_REL(&task->td_incomplete_child_tasks, 0);
 1073     KMP_ATOMIC_ST_REL(&task->td_allocated_child_tasks, 0);
 1074     task->td_taskgroup = NULL; // An implicit task does not have taskgroup
 1075     task->td_dephash = NULL;
 1084     __ompt_task_init(task, tid);